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Ilvermorny has a pretty similar way of teaching as Hogwarts does, after all, it is based on it; school starts in the 1st grade when you are 11 and lasts 7 years.

Ilvermorny's subjects are the same as Hogwarts', but the books are somewhat different. For example, the students use Chadwick's Charms in Charms class. 

(The Muggle studies subject is not called by the American term No-maj, because most of the knowledge comes from Britain. Changing all the terminology would be confusing for the students.)

The school also has Quidditch. Because the houses do not have their own colors, the players are distinguished by charming the other team's sleeves black and the other white. They also have the animal of their house on the back of their robes.



Headmaster / Flying: Aury Gandhavi

Transformations: Moirna Brown

Charms: Benedict Aylmer

Astronomy: Vega Bullard

Defence against the Dark Arts: Michael Collins

Herbology: Guenever Hill

Muggle studies: Kendall Cole

Potions: Amory Tisdale

Care of magical creatures: Nicholas Wolpert

Optional subjects

Ancient runes: Levana Ellis

Numerology: Alana Cheng

Alchemy: Zuwena Imani

Magical Art: Anika Keana




About the stories

The stories are written to the book found in the Students - page. Every student also has a private book on their page, but those are for their personal messages to the headmaster.

Note: Before your first story taking place in Ilvermorny, you have to send a wand request to the wandmakers in Oyerworth!

After the student has written their first story, they get a schedule that tells them what classes they have, when they have them and who they have them with. In the beginning of the semester, they also get a list of things they must own before moving up a year.

The student gets a drawn avatar of themselves based on the description they gave in their application, and at certain checkpoints they get drawings of themselves.

From the stories, the students get paid in money (galleons, sickles and knuts) and house points. The house with the most point at the end of the quarter wins the house cup. The reward is obviously the right to brag, but also money and sometimes even surprise gifts. You can spend the money in Oyerworth.

To play Quidditch you must join the house team. The practice is weekly, and writing about them is optional, but you have to attend the matches. The stories about practices go to the normal storybook.

The quidditch matches work kind of like roleplay; every match is given a topic at the forum for the players to play together. The winner is chosen by which team gets more points.

The points are given in two ways:

1. During the match. The team who has more players active and writes more diversely gets more points.

2. During the match week the team players earn points with their normal stories.

About the school

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